Reasonable Prices, Quality Workmanship! Superior Fence in Albuquerque provides quality fence construction at reasonable prices. We offer chain link fence, wood fence, block walls, wrought iron fence, and more. Chain Link Fences Wood Fences Block Walls Wrought Iron Fences Free Estimates Gates and Roll Gates Call us today for a free estimate or more information.
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Outstanding service

My dog suddenly developed Houdini skills and began exiting the backyard when I left for work. I called Superior Fence and spoke to James. He came to the house an hour after my call and together we decided to modify my existing wrought iron gate. While he was modifying my gate he provided a replacement gate. A few days later he installed my remodeled gate and also fixed another gate at no charge. Excellent service from a very nice man.


Vinyl Fencing & Chain Link

I was seeking bids for putting up approx 90 feet of vinyl fencing across my back yard. Superior fences bid was not only the best price but the materials used was of a higher quality than that of the other biding fence companies. In addition the work was performed on time,clean,and with quality workmanship.

More Business Info

Reasonable Prices, Quality Workmanship!

BBB Rating
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BBB Accredited businesses follow the BBB Code of Business Practices and pay a fee for accreditation review and monitoring. Accreditation is not a BBB endorsement or evaluation of the business’ product quality or competency in performing services.

BBB Rating and Accreditation information may be delayed up to a week.
Regular Hours
Mon - Fri:
  • Metal Fences
  • Athletic Field Fences
  • Cedar Fencing
  • Security Fences
  • Ornamental Gates
  • Iron Fences
  • Electric Gates
  • Gates
Payment method
cash, check, visa, mastercard
Monkbridge Gardens

Better Business Bureau


ABQ-Superior Fence Co

Social Links
Fence-Sales, Service & Contractors, Access Control Systems, Fence Materials, Fence Repair, Gates & Accessories, Security Control Systems & Monitoring
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