Amorelli Realty was purchased by Anita Halvatzis in 1978. Over the years, Amorelli Realty has grown into one of the largest offices in Astoria. The office is managed by her two sons Paul and Jim Halvatzis. In 1982, Anita Halvatzis had a vision that one day 30th Avenue would be the key central spot of Astoria. That vision has become a reality today with Astoria becoming a vibrant hub for the young professional. With its outdoor cafes and bustling restaurants, Astoria has become a happening place . Our goal has been to give sellers the greatest exposure to their property, while making the purchase of a home a pleasant experience for the buyer. Amorelli Realty has been a leader in real estate sales and rentals in the Astoria / LIC community for over 30 years. If you are considering purchasing or renting your next place to live or do business then consider Amorelli Realty. We specialize in apartments, condominiums, co-ops, homes, commercial spaces as well as mixed usage properties. We, at Amorelli Realty, thank you for choosing us to help you. We promise to do our very best to satisfy you.
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