Zhen-Sheng Gao is a licensed acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist specializing in pain management and the treatment of chronic diseases. He began learning Chinese medicine from masters in China in the 1960s. He spent over 40 years practicing acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. He completed apprenticeships with many famous Chinese herbalists in the ShanXi and HuNan provinces. He also studied at the Changchun College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and graduated from Southwest University in China formerly Chang Chun Traditional Chinese Medical School. He furthered his career with study and work at the Chinese Academy of Science in Beijing, HenShan Hospital, Beijing Hu Guo Si Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital, and Beijing Therapeutic Massage Hospital. ACUPUNCTURE Uses needles to unlock the stagnation of energy Meridians. It is effective for the relief of a variety of pains, such as tendon, joint, disk, and bone problems. We use disposable needles that are individually wrapped. ELECTRO-ACUPUNCTURE Electro-Acupuncture refers to the application of a pulsating micro or milli electrical current to acupuncture needles once inserted into the skin. A small electrode is attached to the needles and provides a gentle vibration that stimulates the energy running through the Meridian points. This helps speed up the recovery process and provides more intense stimulation. It stimulates cellular healing and regeneration. ACUPRESSURE Uses hands or other tool instead of needles to activate the pressure points. Also relaxes your body and releases stress. As effective as acupuncture. If you really don't want acupuncture, we can just do acupressure. EAR ACUPRESSURE Relies on collective acupressure points represented on the ear. Providing acupressure to certain points makes it possible to indirectly relieve pain caused by other parts of the body. It is especially effective for treating the digestive system and nervous system related diseases. TREATMENT DURATION IS APPROXIMATELY 40-60 MINUTES. ALL TREATMENT METHODS ARE SAFE. WE USE DISPOSABLE NEEDLES. WE USE NATURAL HERBS AND APPROPRIATE LEVELS OF PRESSURE WITHOUT SIDE AFFECTS.
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Personalized, effective Holistic healing alternatives

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Acupuncture, Acupressure, Herbal Remedies, Herbalife Distributor for nutrition, pain management
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cash only
Diplomate of Acupuncture and Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM)
Business & Trade Organizations, Acupuncture, Herbs, Massage Therapists, Reflexologies, Stress Management & Prevention
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Wheelchair Accessible: Yes