Cold Case Files Foundation
Chicago, IL 60660
OUR grass roots are OUR CHILDREN'S gift drive. Also easy Charity drives like collecting canned food or toilet paper to again donation to a Family in OUR community that has been affected by a crime and is NOW in hardship and need support. These children need help and support. Thousands of children each year lose their parents to violence leaving them in Foster care. It has become clear that they should NOT BE ignored. OUR gift drive is very special in that it is NOT just for the Holiday’s. It last ALL year long. Each child enrolled in OUR program will receive a gift for their birthday. Christmas. And graduations. Helping to keep the child spirits high which will AID in a faster recovery, a NEW TOY CAN make a major difference in easing the anxiety coping with the lost of a parent/s or Family member. While these children and their families TRY to remain upbeat and deal with the issues that affect NOT just the child. But the entire Family. The cold case files foundation gift drive partners with business owners. Civil groups. Students. Individuals. Families. Neighborhoods. ETC. . To organize and start drives and TOY drop OFF location AT their business. Cold case files gift drive to benefits the children ALL over the country.
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