A service-based, human rights organization, Heartland Alliance has been operational for more than 100 years. Formerly known as Travelers Aid of Metropolitan Chicago, Heartland serves more than 70,000 people annually, including homeless and low-income families, immigrants and refugees, travelers in crisis, survivors of domestic violence, people affected by HIV and AIDS, and other impoverished individuals. The organization offers a wide variety of services, such as transitional and affordable supportive housing, primary, mental and oral health care, social services, legal solutions, educational programs, and vocational training. It also provides language interpretation solutions, street outreach programs, homelessness prevention, human rights and poverty research, and advocacy services. Located in Chicago, Heartland employs more than 500 personnel with expertise in areas, such as community development, property management, medical care, mental health, dentistry, social work, law, education, and public policy.
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Fax: 312-660-1500

Phone: 312-263-0901

Phone: 312-913-4999

Phone: 773-275-2586

Central Chicago, The Loop

Heartland Alliance-Human Needs

Heartland Institute

Heartland Health Outreach, Inc.

Heartland Human Care

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Social Service Organizations, Charities, Human Services Organizations
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