Meticulous Massage is a Massage Spa located in Chicago, IL. We offer Deep Tissue Massage, Swedish Massages, Wood Therapy, Body Sculpting, Body Massages, Pain Relief, Relaxation Massages, and other Massage Services. Here, you are cared for and held in high esteem. We also relieve stress with our new safety measures. Our HEPA certified air purifiers cleanse the air of odors, allergens and bacteria. We steam clean and sanitize surfaces daily. All touch surfaces are disinfected throughout the day. Therapists wear masks during treatment. Feedback is encouraged. We want to ensure you have an amazing experience.
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Regular Hours
Thu - Sat:
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Phone: 773-217-8396

Payment method
cash, amex, discover, master card, visa
Central Chicago, The Loop

Adele Vydra

Meticulous Massage

Massage Services, Massage Therapists
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