Ashby Dental
4380 S Syracuse St Ste 502, Denver, CO 80237
I like this guy. I have to have the remainder of my teeth extracted, and dentures with implants arranged for.So, far this Doctor has gone out of his way to be helpful, both time wise (he called me after I sent an email from his website), and financially (consultation, including x-rays without charge).I am a DVR client, which means I am getting financial assistance from the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. I am thinking this is why he has been as considerate as he has. He knows I don't have any personal resources.Other Health Care providers that I have seen as a DVR client have seen fit to charge more because they can. Dr. Ashby has agreed to charge less, considerably less so that I will have a real shot of getting the best care I can with the circumstances I have.I'll post another writing of my experiences with this guy as time goes by.Carlos T.