Butner, Lance
7601 France Ave S, Edina, MN 55435
The advisor listed is an Ameriprise financial advisor in Edina. Comments are not verified, may not be accurate and are not necessarily representative of the experiences of the advisor's clients. We advise clients so they can make wise and purposeful decisions about their wealth and their legacy. Every client is unique. We get to know clients...really get to know them...and their families, their values, their interests, their careers, their fears, their dreams, and what matters most to them. We ask a lot of questions. We listen. We use a comprehensive financial planning approach to gather information, discuss options, make recommendations, and design customized plans that reflect each clients' individual values and priorities. This helps to give clients confidence knowing they are making wise and purposeful decisions about their wealth and their legacy. From retirement planning to multi-generational planning, charitable giving to legacy planning, and enjoying life along the way, we work together to establish wealth management strategies to help clients' accomplish their goals and dreams...........
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