Housed in the historic 1889 Cadwell Building, the Kittitas County Historical Museum features many exhibits for the public to enjoy, spanning the history of Kittitas County from the distant past to the modern day. Exhibit highlights include Native American beadwork and basketry; local pioneers and families; county-wide businesses; military service; farming; mining and logging; geological specimens; and much more. Organization founded in September 1961, and first museum opened May 1962. Moved to the Cadwell Building in 1974 and opened that location in June 1975.Housed in the historic 1889 Cadwell Building, the Kittitas County Historical Museum features many exhibits for the public to enjoy, spanning the history of Kittitas County from the distant past to the modern day. Exhibit highlights include Native American beadwork and basketry; local pioneers and families; county-wide businesses; military service; farming; mining and logging; geological specimens; and much more. Organization founded in September 1961, and first museum opened May 1962. Moved to the Cadwell Building in 1974 and opened that location in June 1975.
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