Griffin Greenhouse & Nursery Supplies, with a location in Gray, Maine, is a greenhouse and nursery supplier in the Northeast and mid-Atlantic states. The company s products include various items, such as soil mixes, propagation supplies, controlled release fertilizers, chemicals, overwintering films and winter protection materials. The company also offers a range of structures and accessories, and its construction department helps clients design structures suited to their requirements. It offers greenhouse frames, coverings, ventilation and heating equipment, shading systems, benching, environmental control, and soil handling and planting equipment. It also offers technical support through printed publications, Web site assistance, seminar settings and one-on-one consultations. Additionally, the company s technical support department offers information on various topics, such as insect and disease control, plant growth regulation, and crop nutrition and scheduling. Griffin Greenhouse & Nursery Supplies has locations in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New Jersey and New York. The company, founded in 1947, is headquartered in Tewksbury, Mass.

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Greenhouse Builders & Equipment, Nurseries-Plants & Trees, Nursery & Growers Equipment & Supplies
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