CKS Investments
Greenville, NC 27836
Note to sellers: CKS investments buys houses in ANY condition and ANY price range. It is OUR mission to help YOU sell your home AT a price that makes sense for YOU and US. OUR process is easy and YOU GET an offer for YOU house in AS little AS 24-72 HOURS. NOTE to Buyers: whether YOU are an experienced investor working on your fiftieth deal. Or a novice Buyer looking to purchase your first home. CKS investments CAN help YOU accomplish your goals. It is OUR mission to join in a collaborative effort to help ALL people we interact with. OUR Company CAN help YOU find properties based on your buying criteria. It is NOT uncommon for US to find properties AT 60 70% of market value. For the value ADD investor.
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An investor YOU CAN trust.
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- Real Estate Investing
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