Blue Cross and Blue Shield of South Carolina is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association is a trade organization that administers the licensing program for the use of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield symbols. It is an association of 39 independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans nationwide. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of South Carolina provides dental coverage, life insurance, long-term care and pharmacy benefits management services. Additionally, it provides health maintenance organization, preferred provider organization and traditional health plans for groups and individuals. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of South Carolina sells proprietary health benefit plans under the brand, BlueChoice HealthPlan. It has more than 12,000 employees. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of South Carolina maintains offices throughout South Carolina, as well as in Virginia and Texas.
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Fax: 864-627-3852

TollFree: 800-922-4061

Phone: 864-288-5791

Phone: 864-286-7827

Phone: 864-234-4736


Blue Cross and Blue Shield of South Carolina

Insurance, Auto Insurance, Health Insurance, Long Term Care Insurance, Workers Compensation & Disability Insurance
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