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Pool Repair

My pool hadn`t been cleaned for...a few months. I realized that i just can`t handle my pool anymore with my schedule. I have 2 retrievers and regardless of the water condition they will jump in. It was important to have my pool clean and not filled with chemicals. when I found South Shores Pool Service they completely cleaned up the pool within a few days time. They have maintained the pool and keep it immaculate since they began a couple of months ago. Not only am I thrilled with their service but my dogs are happy too! I fully recommend South Shores Pool Service !


Pool Repair

I contacted South Shores Pool Service after outstanding recommendations from my next door neighbour. South Shores Pool Service is the second company I have used and I am extremely pleased with the results. They have been very professional and were diligent about staying on top of my pool that was in great need of work until it was crystal clear. They return calls promptly, leave a detailed work order each time, and send me periodic photos of the stage of my pool and its filter as they transitioned it (truly!) from green to completely clean. Great with my dogs as well, another bonus. I recommend South Shores Pool Service without reservation.

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Swimming Pool Repair & Service, Spas & Hot Tubs-Repair & Service
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