Our mission is to maximize your retirement income without risk, and, preserve and protect your financial legacy.  

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Don't just Invest in your future, Insure it.

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MobilePhone: 717-649-7701

Personal Pension Plans, Guarnteed Life Income. 401k for Small and Micro Business, 401k rollovers, 412(e)(3) Defined Benefit Plans. Wealth Transfer, Estate Funding, and Legacy Gifting. Survivor Poicies. Term, Universal and Whole Life. Funeral Trusts, Medicaid Compliant Annuities. Buy-Sell Agreement Funding.
Allianz, American National Life, Assurity Life, Forethought, ING, Many Others, National Guardian Life, National Western Life
We are a truly independent field marketing organization specializing in wealth preservation and transfer insurance products. We match your needs to the carrier and policy best suited to you. Licensed in PA, OH, NJ, KY with affiliates, in most other states.Hours by appointment. We also make house calls.
Annuities & Retirement Insurance Plans, Insurance