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Samira S.


Provided by YPmobile

I had a life changing journey with Dr. Food. While the journey is not over I have already achieved more than I thought possible. I came to Dr. Food at an unhealthy weight and with an unhealthy mindset about nutrition. But Dr. Food changed all that, and in two short months I am twenty pounds lighter.

Like many others who are overweight, I was an emotional eater with a hectic schedule. This often meant grabbing fast food on the go and then feeling so terrible about it that I would starve myself for days. Before I knew it, my weight had increased significantly and my menstrual cycles had mysteriously stopped. On top of all that, I began to grow deeply concerned that the diabetes which runs in my family would soon catch up to me.

Before Dr. Food, I tried everything from fad diets, to working out like crazy and joining programs like Jenny Craig. I wore myself out on all these gimmicks and consistently regained any weight I had lost. I then learnt about Dr. Food but I was skeptical because I had been burned by other diets. However, during my very first visit I realized that Dr. Food is Not a diet… it is a positive lifestyle. Throughout the process I have come to feel like the staff at Dr. Food really believes in me. Dr. Food is my workout partner, my life coach, and best of all they keep me motivated no matter what.

The staff works with my schedule and they invest valuable time to help keep me on track.

And remember I told you my periods had stopped? Well guess what… after just two weeks with Dr. Food, my body seemed to reboot itself and my cycles began once again.

The fact is Dr. Food vastly improved my life. I make better dietary decisions because I know what foods will help me continue to achieve my goals. In addition, my social life has gotten a much needed boost and when I go out with friends I am more confident about myself.


Samira Safa

Randy T.


Provided by YP.com

I started with Dr. Food in October 2013. By February 2014, I had lost 27.4 pounds and let's just say I had one of the best Valentine's ever. Today I am thinner, healthier, and more confident in my abilities to change myself for the better thanks to Dr. Food! After reaching my target weight with Dr. Food, I honestly felt that I would gain it all back as self-control isn't exactly a strongpoint of mine. I did not want this to be another yo-yo diet as I've already gone through enough of those in my life. Luckily, Dr. Food's maintenance program proved to be as effective as their weight loss solutions.

Today, it has been close to two months since I started the maintenance program and I haven't gained a single pound back. For a while, I didn't weigh myself anymore out of fear that the scale would show disappointing--and more importantly, discouraging--numbers. However, today, when I went in for my Dr. Food weigh in, all my concerns were laid to rest. I think the fact that I did not gain the weight back is more miraculous than the actual weight loss itself.

This quantifiable fact is testament to the effectiveness and lasting qualities of the Dr. Food method. If a weight loss program should be judged by one factor and one factor alone, it should be by its ability to help you maintain weight loss. Dr. Food's program does this by not only optimizing your metabolism, but also by changing exactly how you think about food. This is the real difference between Dr. Food and other weight loss programs and one of the main reasons why they have consistently positive reviews.

I'm hoping to get down to below 200 lbs. and to a BMI of around 26; I started out with a BMI of 34.22 and weighed 243 pounds! If you haven't noticed already, I definitely recommend this place!

Shymaa A.


Provided by YP.com

I know exactly when things got out of control. I was on the way to drop my kids at school and traffic came to a stop. That’s when I heard it: tires screaming on tarmac. I look in my rear view mirror and saw a large Circuit City truck that was not going to stop in time and there was nothing I could do except brace for it.

After the accident I was bedridden for a few months and I had to endure two rounds of back surgery. That is when I went from being overweight to the heaviest I have ever been.

The fact is I have been overweight all my life, but after the accident I lost the will to stay healthy and found myself using food as an emotional crutch. I was depressed because the doctors told me that I was not going to be able to sit for prolonged periods of time. This meant that I would have to change careers because I was a software developer. So I turned to food for comfort and my waistline continued to expand.

As the years went by I tried many diets and failed. I had almost lost all hope when I ran into a co-worker who had joined Dr. Food and had amazing results. So I decided to take a leap of faith and try it. At first I was skeptical because nothing else had worked so far. Before Dr. Food I had already failed to keep the weight off with another medical weight loss center and I also tried a point-based diet system but I barely lost 5 pounds in two months. The last one I tried was the protein shakes which I stayed on for a whole year with NO weight loss whatsoever.

So after years of frustration and disappointment I was hoping Dr. Food would work.

Well I am happy to report Dr. Food did work and I lost more weight than I thought possible. Here is proof:

In 12 weeks my weight dropped 30.6 Lbs. (from 193.1 to 162.5) and I lost 5.5 inches from my waist circumference.

Dr. Food also had an incredible effect on my cholesterol levels:

My total cholesterol dropped 47 mg/dL (from 237 to 190).

My LDL (bad cholesterol) decreased 45 mg/dL (from 162 to 117).

And my HDL (good cholesterol) increased from 46 to 53.

All these improvements in 3 months without any cholesterol medications.

I will tell you what makes Dr. Food different. First and foremost, they compel you to embrace eating smart as a lifestyle instead of a diet. No other program ever took this approach. Instead other weight loss programs make you feel that suffering through their diet was a temporary effort and then once you lose the weight you can go back to eating whatever you want. This is a blatant lie.

Secondly, the weekly consultations kept me focused on losing weight

The third thing that I found very refreshing about Dr. Food was the sincerity and directness of the staff. The team at Dr. Food really want you to achieve results and get the most out of their program.

I still remember the day Dr. Haque set me straight. I came in for my weekly visit and I had lost maybe half a pound that week. I told Dr. Haque that it was hard to stick to the diet. He said “This is NOT a diet. This is a lifestyle. This is how you need to change for the rest of your life in order to be able to sustain the weight loss.” For some reason hearing it from Dr. Haque that day triggered something in me and I suddenly got it. Now I know I have to keep eating right for the rest of my life if I want to keep the weight off.

Shymaa Youssef Abdelaaty

Jeff S.


Provided by YP.com

I struggled with my weight for several decades until I had a life changing experience with Dr. Food. By life changing I mean this:

My weight dropped from 288.1 pounds to 223.2 pounds in thirteen weeks - a 64.9 lbs. drop in just over 3 months.

My waist shrunk 10 inches during those 13 weeks - from 53 inches down to 43 inches.

I have gone from taking high blood pressure medication to having a normal or slightly elevated blood pressure WITHOUT medication.

My physical appearance and confidence have dramatically improved and I have more energy throughout the day.

Thanks to Dr. Food’s unique maintenance phase I am sure I will keep the weight off… something I have not achieved with other weight loss programs.

Over my lifetime I’ve tried different diet programs such as Nutrisystem and Jenny Craig. Some of these programs helped me lose a few pounds, but as soon as I stopped using their products or buying their food the weight returned with a vengeance and I was back to square one. One of the reasons I chose Dr. Food was that their meal plans are NOT based on expensive proprietary products I have to keep purchasing. This was very important to me because after losing the weight I did not want to be totally dependent on packaged foods to keep the weight off.

My clinician at Dr. Food - Dr. Haque - was straightforward and brutally honest from the beginning. He explained that the foods I had been consuming were destroying my body and taking years off my life. I appreciated his candidness and took what he said to heart.

Taking my high blood pressure into consideration, Dr. Haque recommended a natural approach with Dr. Food’s proprietary weight loss supplement “Accelerate” and the metabolic booster “Lipo Breakdown”. The custom meal plan provided by Dr. Food worked in conjunction with the weight loss supplements and delivered results. I was surprised to see that my body responded extremely well to Dr. Food’s natural solutions and the pounds and inches disappeared within a matter of weeks.

If you are thinking about losing weight, you have to first ask yourself “why?” You have to have a reason why you want to lose weight and this reason why must be strong enough to compel you to make the necessary sacrifices. Once you’ve found the “why”, call Dr. Food for the “how”. Dr. Food has the resources and know-how to make a real difference in your battle with obesity.

Salvatore R.


Provided by YP.com

I started gaining weight after moving to the US from Europe in 2012. It probably happened because I went from a very labor intensive job in Italy to an office job here in the States. My wife first noticed that I was gaining weight and brought it to my attention. She was right, I had ballooned to 250 pounds.

There were other signs that I had become heavier which were hard to ignore: all of my clothes felt tight or didn’t fit at all, I noticed that I had less energy throughout the day, and physical tasks that I used to do with no trouble had become exhausting.

I got frustrated with my situation and started looking for a solution. At first I consulted family and friends to try and get ideas on how to lose weight. They suggested diets that they heard about from other people. I tried all of them, even some that I found on the internet, but none of them worked. The diets seemed too unnatural or too complicated. As a result, all these other diets backfired and I didn’t lose much weight (I may have actually gained a few more pounds in the process). Desperate for a solution, I sought professional help.

I Googled “medical weight loss,” and Dr. Food was at the top of the list and had a 5-star rating. So I scheduled a consultation.

After my first few appointments, I noticed Dr. Food had a different approach to weight loss than other programs I have tried. They are with you every step of the way and meticulously track all your stats. Most programs will only see you once a month, but with Dr. Food you are seen once a week. Dr. Food’s close clinical support made a huge difference and is one of the main factors that kept me accountable and discouraged me from cheating.

The Lipo Breakdown shots I got at Dr. Food gave me the energy to exercise more frequently and also curbed my cravings for junk food (and believe me, I had some very powerful cravings!). This in turn, helped me stick to the program and focus on my goals.

Today, I am proud to say that I am one of Dr. Food’s success stories. I lost over 39 lbs. in just 6 weeks and the weight keeps coming off. Friends I meet can’t believe their eyes and literally do a double take. Best of all, the compliments fuel my desire and motivation to stay fit.

I would recommend Dr. Food to anyone who is serious about losing weight like I am. Their friendly and helpful staff is a refreshing change from other experiences I have had and results speak for themselves:

I lost 17.8 Lbs. after just 1 week on the Dr. Food program!!!

I lost 31.9 Lbs. after 4 weeks and…

I lost 39.9 Lbs. after 6 weeks with Dr. Food.

Shams S.


Provided by YP.com

Before joining Dr. Food I was about 20 pounds overweight. It may not seem like much extra fat, but it was enough to make me feel lazy and even aggravate my joint pain.

A friend of mine told me about the Dr. Food weight loss center and I signed up. During the initial consultation, the team at Dr. Food taught me the mechanics of weight loss and how my diet was seriously flawed. They also ran some blood tests and it turned out that my eating habits were not helping my cholesterol levels. When I asked Dr. Haque what that meant, I remember his blunt response, “It means your samosa eating days are over.” I was impressed that he remembered I was eating a samosa every day with my chai (by the way, a samosa is deep-fried Indian pastry – Not the healthiest thing you can eat).

That was the moment I knew I had to change. The meal plan Dr. Food provided was easy to understand and the weight started coming off fast. Three weeks into the program, my mother was diagnosed with cancer and I flew to overseas to be by her side. Faced with a lot of stress and limited access to healthy food (Pakistani cuisine is traditionally very oily and rich) I thought there was NO way I would continue to lose weight.

Turns out that in those three short weeks before I had to leave, Dr. Food had already changed my eating habits. Armed with what I learnt from Dr. Food, I made better decisions. Although I couldn’t get my weekly shots, I did bring Dr. Food’s natural weight loss supplement with me. I am convinced this supplement, called Accelerate, helped me stick to my diet even though I was surrounded by temptation. I also felt full of energy. In my mother’s words, I was “bouncing up and down.”

After my mother passed away, I returned home to California and visited Dr. Food. I was surprised when they told me I had continued to lose weight while I was away. So far I have lost 15 pounds since I started the program. Dropping 15 lbs. may not sound like a big deal, but Dr. Food made a HUGE difference in my life. I have regained my energy and I have a lot less pain in my joints.

Even my family noticed a positive change in my attitude and they are thrilled that I am a happier person again.

Nihal E.


Provided by YPmobile

I have tried several other weight loss programs and I can tell you that nothing compares to Dr. Food. Here is the proof:

Before starting the Dr. Food program: 186.3 lbs.

After 1 week with Dr. Food: 177.1 lbs. (down 9.2 lbs.)

After 4 weeks with Dr. Food: 165.3 lbs. (down 21 lbs.)

After 8 weeks with Dr. Food: 154.9 lbs. (down 31.4 lbs.)

In short, Dr. Food works, and it works quickly. I would have expected these kinds of dramatic results with someone weighing 300 pounds or more. But as you can see I was not that out of shape to begin with. I just wanted to lose 30-35 pounds to get healthier, and I was able to accomplish that in just two months flat!

It is worth noting that Dr. Food’s program is very structured. The program’s structure gave me the guidance and discipline I needed to succeed. As a result, I have achieved goals I never thought possible.

When I visited the clinic I learned about Lipo Breakdown, a metabolic booster that is popular with patients because it helps speed up the weight loss process. At first I was a bit hesitant because Lipo Breakdown costs a little extra. But after trying Lipo Breakdown, I immediately understood why people love it and I am glad I gave it a “shot” (I couldn’t help myself). The results speak for themselves: 9.2 pounds of fat disappeared in 7 days!!!

The sole reason I signed up with Dr. Food was because I wanted to lose weight and be happy again. The weight gain had a negative effect on my mood and outlook about the future. In the past I tried other weight loss programs but the results were only temporary and I always gained the weight back. I know it will be different with Dr. Food because they taught me how to stay thin and healthy with everyday foods I can buy from any grocery store and cook myself. I am very excited to see what the future holds. I have a few more pounds to go, but with Dr. Haque and his team on my side I am confident I will get there.

More Business Info

Regular Hours
Mon - Fri:
Extra Phones

Phone: 949-679-4200

Dr. Food specializes in helping patients who have failed on other diets. We provide physician supervised, NON-surgical weight loss that can help you lose up to 15 20 lbs. in just the first four weeks and drop even more weight after than!* We achieve these results with the following medical solutions: Advanced analysis and testingThe latest in FDA-approved weight loss drugs which suppress appetite and block fat absorption.Proven natural supplements which increase energy levels and boost metabolism.Customized meal plans that promote substantial weight loss while simultaneously fighting hunger and cravings.Our signature Dr. Foodie Maintenance Phase, which helps you permanently embrace a healthier lifestyle and keep the weight off. We look forward to working with you! Call us to learn more or sign up for a Free consultation. * Results may vary significantly based on program compliance and individual circumstances. Dr. Food does NOT guarantee any results.
Belviq, Dr. Food Accelerate (TM), Lipo Breakdown (TM), Phentermine / Adipex, Qsymia, Vitamin B12
Payment method
all major credit cards, cash, debit, check
Irvine Research Center
English, Spanish
Nutritionists, Health & Diet Food Products, Physicians & Surgeons, Weight Loss Management, Reducing & Weight Control, Weight Control Services