ABC Academy, established in 1984, is a child care and development center offering a wide range of early childhood education programs. The center s junior counselor program allows children between 13- to 15-years to obtain experiences in helping children during the summers. Its infant program focuses on the development of language, sensory motor, social-personal and cognitive abilities. The academy offers free preschool programs to families who qualify for the Michigan School Readiness Program or the Head Start Program sponsored by the Community Action Agency. It provides nutritional morning and afternoon snacks for children attending the center. ABC Academy has branches in Jackson, Mich.
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Mon - Fri:
Sat - SunClosed
Providing a child day care environment that encourages children to learn through exploration. Certified teaching staff and security access to school and cameras in our rooms insure your comfort.
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Abc Academy

Day Care Centers & Nurseries, Child Care, Nursery Schools, Preschools & Kindergarten, Schools
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