Founded in 1996, Professional Pavement Products Inc. supplies a broad range of products for the maintenance, construction, marking and safety of roadways and parking lots. Based in Jacksonville, Fla., the firm operates several offices in the states of Florida, Texas and North Carolina. Its pavement maintenance and construction products include asphalt pavement sealers, asphalt sealers additives/aggregates, asphalt primers/tack, pavement repair materials, tools and allied equipment. Professional Pavement Products Inc. also provides pavement marking products like traffic paints, paint equipment, stencils, preformed thermoplastic, pavement grinders, pavement marking retroreflectometer, pavement marking tape, to name a few. Other products offered comprise traffic control/parking lot signs, sign posts, sign hardware, sign retroreflectometer, barricades/warning lights, traffic cones, traffic ribbon/string, vests/flags and warning signs.
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Pavement Marking Equipment & Supplies
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