Maui Fine Art
2439 S Kihei Rd Ste 101B, Kihei, HI 96753
we represent over 25 local artists, and you will find a wide variety of art from original oil paintings, photos on aluminum, hand blown glass vases and sculptures, etched aluminum art, ceramic art, wood carvings, koa paddles, and much much more. Definately a great place to stop and get a favorite piece of art for a memory of Maui, to decorate your home or condo, or just to add to your collection.we represent over 25 local artists, and you will find a wide variety of art from original oil paintings, photos on aluminum, hand blown glass vases and sculptures, etched aluminum art, ceramic art, wood carvings, koa paddles, and much much more. Definately a great place to stop and get a favorite piece of art for a memory of Maui, to decorate your home or condo, or just to add to your collection.
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