50 Havenwood Dr, Lexington, VA 24450
Havenwood, an assisted living facility, helps residents in Lexington, Virginia live full, happy lives while attending to their medical issues. Our facility is staffed by trained, caring professionals who help you in all facets of your day. From medication management to 24-hour supervised care, you never have to feel alone or unloved at Havenwood.
Our services include:
• Emergency communication in each room
• Large private rooms
• Three nutritious home cooked meals
• Laundry service and daily housekeeping
• On-site beauty shop
• Telephone and satellite TV hookups in each room
We create a family environment that people of all ages and conditions absolutely adore. We're not your typical rest home, but rather a community and family that look out for each other's physical and emotional well being. Along with reasonable rates, everything you need for peace of mind and pleasant golden years comes together at Havenwood.
Call us today to schedule a tour or for more information.
More Business Info
A family environment in beautiful Rockbridge County.
- BBB Rating
- Hours
- Regular Hours
Mon - Sun: - Services/Products
- Housekeeping
- Personal Care Assistance
- Telephone & Satellite TV Hookups in Each Room
- Medication Management
- Private Baths
- Assisted Living Services
- An Assisted Living Facility
- Trained & Caring Staff
- On Site Beauty Shop
- Laundry Service - Daily Housekeeping
- Daily Housekeeping
- Large Spacious Rooms Private Baths
- Residential Care
- Large Spacious Rooms
- Three Nutritious Home Cooked Meals
- Emergency Communication
- 24 Hour Supervised Care
- Emergency Communication in Each Room
- In Each Room
- Individualized Care Climate Control in Each Room
- Laundry Service
- Laundry
- Payment method
- check
- Other Link
- Categories
- Homes-Institutional & Aged, Eldercare-Home Health Services, Nursing & Convalescent Homes, Nursing Homes-Intermediate Care Facility, Personal Care Homes
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