Southern Ready Mix is a locally owned and operated ready mix concrete supplier. Allen Butts, our owner, is 3rd generation in the concrete business and has over 25 years of personal experience in the ready mix industry. Allen personally answers all the phone calls, so you are always working directly with a friendly professional, who can answer all your questions. Our continued success comes from giving a higher level of service, and a quality product. No order is too big or too small! We take pride in being a preferred supplier of concrete in C.O.D., residential and commercial clients.

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Quality and Service is Our Business

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Mon - Sun:
Ready-Mix Concrete, Wash Out, Mason Sand, Gravel and Parking Bumpers, Crushed Concrete, Decorative Stepping Stones
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visa, discover, amex, master card
Concrete Contractors, Concrete Additives, Concrete Blocks & Shapes, Concrete Construction Forms & Accessories, Concrete Mixers