RUSH Computer
1001 Veterans Memorial Blvd, Metairie, LA 70005
Are you tired of 'geeks'?Do you want someone to just fix your computer?I am a highly professional and very comfortable+`+++96computer tech. I am one of the most comfortablepeople to be around as I am not a 'geek'. Those guysand girls are sometimes good at what they do butthay can be hard to work with as they don't speakin terms that a non-technical person can understand.Many of them have only been doing this for a few years.They charge 25 to 40 dollars an hour but it takes them three hours.I can do the same work in one hour because I have been doing thisprofessionally since 1998. I charge flat rates for everything and youwill be extermely happy with my service and what you pay orMY SERVICE IS FREE!!!TRY ME OUT! YOU WILL BE PLEASED!Thank YouBill JohnsSenior Field Engineer