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Rosemarie L.


Provided by YP.com

Very productive and relaxed atmosphere

Project Coordinator Currently Employeed, Middle Village NY

From the very moment of the interview I felt and immediate connection and knew that this was going to be a good place to work and a good fit. After all these years working in the construction environment, I can honestly say that this is one of the best companies I ever worked for. It truly is a great working environment with great TEAM orientated co-workers. I work mostly with Steve the President. He is truly one of the nicest people I have ever met and is extremely knowledgeable, reasonable and a great mentor. When he explains things, it’s in a simplistic logically manner and you easily grasp it. All I can say, is I’m lucky to want to get up every morning and look forward to go to work. Thank you Steve and our Mauceri Electric TEAM. It’s a pleasure to work with you ALL.

More Business Info

Regular Hours
Mon - Sat:
Extra Phones

Phone: 718-894-8886


Mauceri Electl

Mauceri Electric Corp

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