Saint Michael & All Angels' Episcopal Church

Open hoursCLOSED NOW - Opens at 8:00am

5941 Main St, Millbrook, AL 36054

We are a light for Christ in the world. Our mission is to be a gracious, hospitable, and loving Christian community, striving to know, love, share and serve Christ. St Michael & All Angels is an Episcopal church rich in history with a vibrant, active Christian community. There are as many ways to participate in the life of St Michael's as there are talents. The acolytes assist the clergy in worship and provide a worshipful presence. The Altar Guild ministry is one of sensitivity, beauty, sacredness, and elbow grease. The annual Angel Fest (third Saturday in October) is coordinated by the Episcopal Church Women (ECW) and is the primary fundraiser for outreach ministry in our church. It is a tremendous ministry within our local community. The yearlong coordination of this ECW-sponsored project involves a majority of the congregation and utilizes much time and energy. The past success of the festival has provided thousands of dollars to those in need here in the Millbrook area and far beyond. The children of St. Michaels attend an adapted liturgy for the first portion of the main service. This ministry is designed to engage and interact with children and to encourage them to understand and share the message of faith and prayer. There is also dedicated Nursery and Childcare during the Family Service every Sunday with diocese-certified care workers. We have a Sunday Adult Forum with adult classes capitalizing on challenging and current themes to share and shape our understanding of Gods work in the world and in our ministry. The Saint Michaels choir is a ministry of leadership in the liturgyto lead the congregation in singing hymns and to lend beauty and depth to the sung portions of the worship service. We strive too make rehearsals be spiritually uplifting, fun and engaging. Coffee hours after each service are our primary ministry of hospitality and community fellowship. Variations on light snacks have gotten fairly elaborate, but the principle is to create an atmosphere of interaction and warmth. Men's Breakfast is a weekly Thursday morning 6:30 gathering for grits, biscuits, eggs, sausage, coffee, and talk.   The Christ Community Cafe was started by The Order of the Daughters of The King to provide hot cooked meals to those in need when low-income families are often out of resources. This ministry provides 75-100 meals each month. Member Care is a ministry that is growing from writing cards and to providing meals to those in time of crisis or special need and occasion, to also helping to welcome and assist in the assimilation of newcomers to St. Michaels. This ministry is our primary lay pastoral care ministry and has been a source of comfort to countless members of this parish.

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We are called to be a light for Christ in the world. Our mission is to be a gracious, hospitable, and loving Christian community, striving to know, love, share, and serve Christ.

Regular Hours
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no credit cards
Altar Guild, Episcopal Church Women (ECW), Acolyte training, Flower Guild, Daughters of the King (DOK), Children's Chapel, Wedding venue, counseling, Men's Breakfast
Churches & Places of Worship