The New Silver Solution
807 Edgehill Dr, Monroe, NC 28110
The drug companies don't want you to read this ad! If you are tired of the side effects of medicine ,you need to check out this product and the many ways it can be used.In clinical and hospital tests the new silver solution has successfully killed most viruses and infections wihout any side effects.It does not kill the good bacteria.No known interaction with other medicines.It had success with food poisoning,e-coli,salmonela,pnemonia,respirtory infections,eye,ear,nose and many others.It is good for burns,insect bites.It can be used taking orally or by spraying or drops.As all vitamins and herbs this has not been approved by the FDA.Go to my website and look at the results that have been reached with this silver solution.
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This product has great success in combating infections,viruses aand has many more usesageswithout side effects.
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