U-Spy Store
5627 Dempster St, Morton Grove, IL 60053
This place has so many new items all the time and things I didn't even know were legal or exisisted!!! I love to come in occasionally and browse the items. They have all sorts of equipment from tracking devices to air soft guns which happen to be my son's favorite. Stop in and take a look, you won't be dissappointed!!
U Spy Store is exactly what the name says, u spy. They have gadgets that are as simple as a card you use to disguise your voice and phone number on the caller i.d. to complex survelliance systems able to be viewed over the internet anywhere. Everything there is meant for u to become the spy, great service, professional help and good enviorment all together. On top of everything there is M.S.I. detective services which is there detective agency which has the same aspects as the U-Spy Store..Great company all around!!