Marlin Business Services provides equipment-leasing solutions to small businesses throughout the United States. Marlin Leasing Corporation, its primary operating subsidiary, was founded in 1997 by a group of professionals with experience in providing financing solutions to small businesses. Its transactions generally do not exceed $150,000 and the average transaction is less than $10,000. The company accesses its customers through a network of independent equipment dealers and provides service to its dealer network and lease customers. Marlin Business Services completed its initial public offering of 5.06 million shares of common stock and began trading on the NASDAQ national market on November 12, 2003.
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Louise B.


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Horrible treatment. I was buying an engraver for metal and the selling company told me they use Marlin to process their sales. I was assured if the equipment didn't work well for my situation, I could return it and they would sell it to someone else and I would not be held responsible. The equipment didn't work for me in my application and I returned it. They sold it to someone else, and after making payments until that happened, I was told I was out from under it by the seller, only to start getting harassed horribly by phone from Marlin in N.J. They even called my neighbors to see what I was up to, where I was, what I was doing. Completely harassed and it was awful. One call from a Marlin collector told me they will never go away. They are truly the worst.



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This is the worst leasing company out there. If you are thinking of using these guys, don't! They charge you hidden fees for the life of your lease. They are also very nasty on the customer service side of phone service. The sales person is very nice and promises you the world and once you sign, they take advantage of you in every way they can. I will stick with Wells Fargo - not the best, but far better than Marlin. I can't wait until our short 2-year lease is over. Every bill we get is a reminder of how much of a mistake this lease was. Our lease was for a P.O.S. system for our retail business.

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Phone: 856-234-6017


Marlin Business Services Corp

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Leasing Service, Boat Rental & Charter, Real Estate Rental Service
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