Exact Image Entertainment Group
A main focus point is accounts and revenue with detailed and current monthly balance reports. Should include all business receipts and monthly balance. An activity log of all prospective and operation level co-operation clients meet and appointment times, dates, city, and, state and always confirmation by either phone or e-mail. Operation will continue a 12 hour work day with a guarantee of 7 days a week unless agreed and decided upon with in our business meetings. Operators will have a full range and certified degree of the highest performance to stay competitive with opposition. Promotions of Artist and their specific line of product, can seek additional promotions for hometown or state. Training promotions would show all other exclusive clients and their association. Conventions include keeping a current relation with local news headings, casinos, and main entertainment districts. Should constantly gather and obtain information to expand and better the business. It needs a great amount of tools and gathering entertainment equipment should include cords lights amps and all sound equipment. it would constantly be trying to improve and maintain current and up to date equipment and training services for the equipment and proper tech for the equipment . Would need a good ground level of employment and operations staff to keep and maintain a well rounded work operation for maximum production and safe but fun environment. Initial services include one day set up guarantee with refreshments vendors, equipment vendors, and exclusive and underlined products. All internal operations will be provided by our services and network. Networking will invite and promote new and attractive desired equipment. All proven and known products will push for main stream usage to maximize our highest level of efficient services for your satisfaction. We always keep staff with insurance and payed time off and in case of event severance pay to help employment rate. Company likes to maintain a family safe environment to allow our workers to enjoy a desired lifestyle. Our workers do better work when the company and the employers are both happy.