Handbags of Hope asks women to donate gently used purses and wallets.Each bag is filled with 10 essential items, creating a functional handbag. The handbags are delivered across the State to women and teens in shelter situations. Police agencies receive them for purse snatching victims. We accept donations of handbags, wallets and filler items year round.. Gas cards are appreciated for deliveries Please visit our website for more information about us. It's truly amazing how a gently used purse can can become such a powerful, empowering gift. But we do learn at an early age the importance of a handbag. It was Mom's personal property, she ran our world from it. Our book of Thank You's from the shelters confirm the beauty and importance of every one donated.

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Regular HoursOpen Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday 11:00 to 5:00 Closed Sunday and Thursday
Charities, Shelters