Yardmama is an online marketplace that allows you to post a yard sale or find a yard sale. It’s a great way to sell your used stuff or discover some hidden treasures. Site features include a personal vanity url, member profile page, alert messages, route maps, reviews, ratings, bookmarks, favorites, follows, recommends, photos, maps, prices, descriptions, searchable tags, single listings, virtual listings, garage sales, estate sale, moving sales, plus more! Live in an apartment or urban dwelling without a yard? No worries, Yardmama lets you post a "virtual" yard sale. Tired of paying for expensive classified ads, eBay commissions, or getting lost on Craigslist? No limits, no permits, and no local restrictions to worry about. Sell all year long without disturbing your neighbors :) Post a yard sale. Find a yard sale. Yardmama. Let Mama show you. http://yardmama.com

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Post a yard sale. Find a yard sale. Yardmama. Let Mama show you. http://yardmama.com

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Yardmama is an online marketplace that allows you to post a yard sale or find a yard sale. It’s a great way to sell your used stuff or discover some hidden treasures. Site features include a personal vanity url, member profile page, alert messages, route maps, reviews, ratings, bookmarks, favorites, follows, recommends, photos, maps, prices, descriptions, searchable tags, single listings, virtual listings, garage sales, estate sale, moving sales, plus more! Live in an apartment or urban dwelling without a yard? No worries, Yardmama lets you post a "virtual" yard sale. Tired of paying for expensive classified ads, eBay commissions, or getting lost on Craigslist? No limits, no permits, and no local restrictions to worry about. Sell all year long without disturbing your neighbors :) Post a yard sale. Find a yard sale. Yardmama. Let Mama show you. http://yardmama.com
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Internet Products & Services, Auctions Online, Online & Mail Order Shopping
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