Orthopaedic care is in high demand at D-H because of our aging population, our increasing life expectancy, and our very active population in Vermont and New Hampshire. I’m excited to be part of meeting that demand. I appreciate being able to help improve my patients’ quality of life, whether by restoring their function and decreasing pain after a trauma, or by helping to manage a chronic condition by improving mobility and alleviating pain. Developing personal relationships with my patients so that we can engage in open and honest communication is very important in my practice. Good communication allows us to choose the treatment that best meets my patients’ goals. Forging these close relationships also lets me provide the very best post-operative follow-up care, and to help my patients manage chronic orthopaedic conditions by encouraging routine visits, wellness and preventive care.
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Fax: 603-650-4547

Knee and hip Trauma
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