Pccti It & Healthcare
2625 Butterfield Rd, Oak Brook, IL 60523
The school provides you with many resources to excel throughout the program.
The school provides you with many resources to excel throughout the program.
I took my PN program in this school. I would first of all give thanks to God for taking me through such a very challenging but rewarding course. I thank the entire management team .
I am very lucky to be a student of Verve College. This program was hard but when I finished my exit exam, I know so much material that I am 100% ready for NCLEX. The teacher and the staff are very friendly, intelligent, smart people. With support of all of them, I graduate from PN program. They care of student. I am very thankful for my advisors. They always drive me in the right direction; they supported me all of the time to keep working hard to get to the end of the program. Thank you to all of my teachers- they are smart.
My instructors were great. The school provides you with many resources to excel throughout the program.