Looking for Draperies, Curtains & Window Treatments in Saint Louis, MO?

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Shop Where The Designers Shop

Why not shop where the designers shop. The Curtain Exchange of St. Louis has truely designer quality curtains at not designer prices. The designers shop there because they cannot have curtains made in their own workrooms for what they can buy them for at The Curtain Exchange. The designers who shop there and find curtains for their clients mark the price up from 50% - 100%. The selection is the best in town and the best part is that you can check them out on approval and put them in your room to make sure that they are perfect before you buy. This way you will never make a mistake.



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Best WIndow Treatments

The beautiful showroom displays gorgeous curtains ready for you to take home and hang today. You can try them out before you buy them so you can't make a mistake. The staff is very helpful and they provide in home consultations, hardware and installation. I had to order a special size curtain but I had them in 10 days. Best service in town.

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BBB Rating
BBB Rating and Accreditation information may be delayed up to a week.
Regular Hours
Tue - Fri:
Payment method
discover, all major credit cards, amex
Clayton Gardens, Clayton
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Draperies, Curtains & Window Treatments, Blinds-Venetian & Vertical, Draperies, Curtains, Blinds & Shades Installation, Drapery & Curtain Fabrics, Drapery & Curtain Fixtures, Fabric Shops, Interior Designers & Decorators, Upholstery Fabrics, Women's Clothing
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Parking: Free

Wheelchair Accessible: Yes

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