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David L.


Provided by YP.com

I used to think TLC was very professional in how they handled their clients/patients but I would never recommend them to anybody else-not as long as they have a care-giver by the name of Tina Miller. You see, Tina liked to stir up drama with other caregivers and when A.P.S. investigated-it was okay for TLC to let her run errands and another attendant to oversee mom's care but when the situation was reversed-HECK NO.
They terminated services with less than 12 hours notice. When they terminated services, in less than five minutes-Hospice of Salina was contacting me to tell me they would terminate services.
TLC had some awesome people working for them who actually cared for my mother but there was enough crap stirred by Tina Miller to cause headaches for me and everyone else in the home.

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Regular Hours
Mon - Fri:

TLC Professional Sitters

TLC Professionals LLC

House Cleaning
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