Providing alternative health care services like acupuncture and herbs. We specialize in but not limited to pain relief, sub-health, cancer and other chronic diseases. We take cash, check. Discount programs are available. Chinese Traditional Medicine methods including acupuncture and herbs have thousands years of history and prove to be very effective, convenient and less costly. In modern society people are suffering from all kinds of cancers, diabetes and other diseases. Normally western medicine will use all kinds of operations, radiations and chemical methods to fight for it which caused many pains and even ruined your life. Oriental medicine methods like acupuncture and herbs can actually reduce pain and cure the diseases amazingly and improve your life Taught by a very famous medical scientist who inherited Chinese ancient classic medicine tradition, the acupuncturist practicing in Santa Clara, California is very friendly, highly skilled and professional, he believes each person's life is precious. He has a warm heart and always try his best to help each patients. He speaks Mandarin and English.

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Santa Clara Acupuncturist, Treat your pain, cancer and sub-health problems

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Medical Clinics, Cancer Treatment Centers, Health & Welfare Clinics, Pain Management, Weight Control Services