EFile Expert
730 Arizona Ave Ste 200, Santa Monica, CA 90401
Since 1986, our licensed process servers and private investigators have managed court filings, process service, and locate searches for large business organizations only. Today eFile Expert makes high-volume electronic filing services fast and affordable solely for law firms, insurance companies, government agencies, and businesses in California. More than 20 counties in California currently mandate the use of electronic filing services due to COVID-19.
Our eFiling system is available now for simple, fast, and accurate delivery of legal documents to county clerks in participating counties. Last year we found that 4 out of 10 cases required a Locate Search to produce an up-to-date address before service. We're recommended by law firms and insurance companies because we offer a complete, all-in-one legal solution to eFiling, eDelivery, eService, fax filing, in-person dropbox filing, same-day process service, and locate searches businesses and professional organizations.
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