Diversified Floors
11423 Mulholland Dr, Stafford, TX 77477
Provided by YP.comAfter researching their carpet dye sticks product online, along with multiple videos on line on how to use their product, we took a chance and placed an order. Not only did we place an order but we paid for 3 day priority mail delivery. It’s been over a week and a half and have not received the order. Tried calling the number listed, it goes straight to voicemail. Left several messages, no return call. Used the email form n their website, with no reply. Researched the owners name and found they are also owner of Diversified Floors in Stafford Texas. Call that number and it’s the exact same voicemail as the number on the dyestick website. Again, no return call. Found a different email address tied to that business and finally got a very short reply....”Oh, I’ve been away from the office, let me check on your order”. No further response or clarification than that. I replied asking if they intended to refund or resend the order. Received a very short reply....”resending order.” When I replied asking for a tracking number. I have received no response despite threatening to file a BBB complaint and filing a claim through pay pal. It’s been another 4 days since they responded that they were resending the order. Don’t do business with this company. You’ve been warned.