Young Living Essential Oils - Terrell, TX
Terrell, TX 75160
Unlike synthetic. Perfume grade oils that simply smell good. Young living therapeutic grade™ (YLTG) essential oils are pure. Natural. And unadulterated. YLTG means that every essential OIL that young living distills or sources has the optimal naturally occurring blend of constituents to maximize the desired effect. YLTG oils must meet specific criteria in Four KEY areas: plants. Preparation. Purity. And POTENCY. PLANTS: young living has extensive experience selecting the correct species of plant for desired OIL potency: planting under optimal conditions. Using ideal soil and natural methods to encourage growth. And knowing the precise time to harvest each crop. Preparation: to meet YLTG distillation standards. Proper temperature must BE maintained throughout the distillation process. And pressure. Length of time. Equipment. And batch size are strictly monitored. Purity: every batch of essential OIL bottled by young living is subjected to stringent laboratory testing to ensure the oils have the strongest possible YLTG properties. Potency: potency means that each OIL has the optimum level of natural plant chemicals that are guaranteed to work for your needs.
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Young living inspires wellness. Purpose. And abundance by distilling Nature’s greatest gifts into pure essential oils.
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