We set the standard for quality, safety & gentle care since 1983. We have 3 locations: Tanque Verde / Bear Canyon - (520) 760-8750 Kolb / I-10 - (520) 574-5093 Golflinks / Harrison - (520) 885-PETS (7387)
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The Utmost Best!

I have been taking my dog, Trixie, to Velvet Bow Pet Grooming for two years now, and this grooming business is the best I have experienced for the past 30 years. The owner is kind, professional, and an expert in her field, and it's obvious that she is an animal lover and activist. Her staff are wonderful with the animals and clients as well. The business is clean, set-up perfectly for bathing, grooming, etc., and kept at a nice temperature.I very highly recommend Velvet Bow Pet Grooming!!Valarie LevineTucson, AZ

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BBB Rating
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BBB Accredited businesses follow the BBB Code of Business Practices and pay a fee for accreditation review and monitoring. Accreditation is not a BBB endorsement or evaluation of the business’ product quality or competency in performing services.

BBB Rating and Accreditation information may be delayed up to a week.
Regular Hours
Mon - Sat:
Extra Phones

Fax: 520-749-1345

Velvet Bow Pet Grooming: 520-749-1345

Velvet Bow Pet Grooming: 520-749-1345

Payment method
all major credit cards, cash, check, debit
Bear Canyon Shopping Ctr
Bear Canyon

Velvet Bow Pet Grooming, LLC

Pet Grooming, Dog & Cat Grooming & Supplies, Pet Boarding & Kennels, Pet Services, Pet Specialty Services
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