Hotel Savoy
631 S Peoria Ave, Tulsa, OK 74120
See why so many travelers make Hotel Savoy their hotel of choice when visiting Tulsa. Providing an ideal mix of value, comfort and convenience, it offers a budget friendly setting with an array of amenities designed for travelers like you.
Close to some of Tulsa's most popular landmarks, such as Philtower (0.8 mi) and Atlas Life Building (0.8 mi), Hotel Savoy is a great destination for tourists.
Guest rooms offer a kitchenette, and Hotel Savoy makes getting online easy as free wifi is available.
In addition, guests can enjoy free breakfast during their visit. As an added convenience, there is free parking available to guests.
While in Tulsa, you may want to check out some of the restaurants that are a short walk away from Hotel Savoy, including The Bull in the Alley (1.1 mi), SMOKE. on Cherry St. (0.8 mi), and Kilkennys Irish Pub & Eatery (0.7 mi).
Best of all, Hotel Savoy makes it easy to experience many great Tulsa attractions like Philbrook Museum of Art, Gilcrease Museum, and The Sherwin Miller Museum of Jewish Art, which are some popular art museums.
At Hotel Savoy, your comfort and satisfaction come first, and they look forward to welcoming you to Tulsa.
See why so many travellers make Hotel Savoy their hotel of choice when visiting Tulsa. Providing an ideal mix of value, comfort and convenience, it offers a budget friendly setting with an array of amenities designed for travellers like you.
Close to some of Tulsa's most popular landmarks, such as Philtower (1.2 km) and Atlas Life Building (1.2 km), Hotel Savoy is a great destination for tourists.
Guest rooms offer a kitchenette, and Hotel Savoy makes getting online easy as free wifi is available.
In addition, guests can enjoy free breakfast during their visit. As an added convenience, there is free parking available to guests.
While in Tulsa, you may want to check out some of the restaurants that are a short walk away from Hotel Savoy, including The Bull in the Alley (1.8 km), SMOKE. on Cherry St. (1.2 km), and Kilkennys Irish Pub & Eatery (1.1 km).
Best of all, Hotel Savoy makes it easy to experience some great Tulsa attractions like Tulsa Air and Space Museum & Planetarium, which is a popular science museum.
At Hotel Savoy, your comfort and satisfaction come first, and they look forward to welcoming you to Tulsa.
See why so many travelers make Hotel Savoy their hotel of choice when visiting Tulsa. Providing an ideal mix of value, comfort and convenience, it offers a budget friendly setting with an array of amenities designed for travelers like you.
Close to some of Tulsa's most popular landmarks, such as Philtower (0.8 mi) and Atlas Life Building (0.8 mi), Hotel Savoy is a great destination for tourists.
Guest rooms offer a kitchenette, and Hotel Savoy makes getting online easy as free wifi is available.
In addition, guests can enjoy free breakfast during their visit. As an added convenience, there is free parking available to guests.
While in Tulsa, you may want to check out some of the restaurants that are a short walk away from Hotel Savoy, including The Bull in the Alley (1.1 mi), SMOKE. on Cherry St. (0.8 mi), and Kilkennys Irish Pub & Eatery (0.7 mi).
Best of all, Hotel Savoy makes it easy to experience many great Tulsa attractions like Philbrook Museum of Art, Gilcrease Museum, and The Sherwin Miller Museum of Jewish Art, which are some popular art museums.
At Hotel Savoy, your comfort and satisfaction come first, and they look forward to welcoming you to Tulsa.
See why so many travellers make Hotel Savoy their hotel of choice when visiting Tulsa. Providing an ideal mix of value, comfort and convenience, it offers a budget friendly setting with an array of amenities designed for travellers like you.
Close to some of Tulsa's most popular landmarks, such as Atlas Life Building (0.8 mi) and Blue Dome District (1.5 mi), Hotel Savoy is a great destination for tourists.
Guest rooms offer a kitch...
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