BigDataVisualization, Inc.
1050 17th St NW Ste 600, Washington, DC 20036
BIGDATAVISUALIZATION. Inc. . Offers its clients the best of its class in the mapping. Visualization and analysis of BIG data. The organizations ALL over the world creating vast amount of data. SO called BIG data and have NO easy WAY to MAP and analyzed it. BIGDATAVISUALIZATION. Inc.has an innovative solution for these organizations to MAP BIG data to analyze it visually for business intelligence. OUR BIGDATAVISUALIZATION (BDV) engine® is a copyrighted and trademarked software solution that brings unmatched performance. Capacity and efficiency to ANY application interested in using or understanding data in a geographic context. By supporting your Enterprise wide data sources and WORKFLOWS. BDV engine® offers a superior means for handling BIG data (CAN BE AS BIG AS 200 million records). Support rapid response. And provide actionable information.
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From global to your neighborhood. BDV engine® empowers the location intelligence.
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