Analog Devices is a world-leading semiconductor company specializing in high performance analog, mixed-signal and digital signal processing integrated circuits. The company was founded in 1965. Its products play a fundamental role in converting real-world phenomena such as temperature, motion, pressure, light and sound into electrical signals to be used in a wide array of applications ranging from industrial process control, factory automation, radar systems and CAT scanners to cellular base stations and telephones, broadband networking, computers, cars and digital cameras. The company s unique value to its customers is its ability to overcome the seemingly insurmountable barriers of speed, accuracy and cost, to solve intricate engineering challenges and to create ICs that enable portability, connectivity, and multimedia. Analog designs, manufactures and markets the high-performance, high-precision signal processing ICs that make pictures vibrant, voices clear, connections continuous and products portable. Jerald G. Fishman has been the chief executive officer of Analog Devices from more than 10 years. He has been with the semiconductor manufacturer for over 35 years. Fishman earned a BSEE from CUNY City, and a MBA from Boston University. The company is headquartered in Norwood, Mass.
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